
Video series by Calvin Armerding and Lindsay Hill, offering brief thoughts on humankind, business, and culture.

Low-cost web platform that enables users to build self-awareness through a series of non-invasive, self-directed exercises.
(App coming soon!)

First book by Calvin Armerding on how to solve family problems by identifying competitions and reorienting towards cooperation (Henosis Press, 2021).

Emotions & Their Precise Opposites (Training Video): 75-min workshop on a simple technique therapists and laypersons can use to better understand their emotions and behavior

People & Organizations We Love

Our North American Adlerian Society, full of great people and a wonderful conference every May. Check out their affiliate section for information on local/regional Adlerian organizations near you!

An international summer school at which helping professionals and laypeople learn together how to flourish and cooperate