Travelers Rest: A Place to Call Home, A Goal To Which We Aspire

"Travelers Rest:" it's a beautiful name, and in so many ways, indicative of what we want to bring about in our work for our home community. We want to bring some peace, comfort, safety, and stability to weary "travelers" who are discouraged about making life work in a way that is fulfilling. But beyond that, we want to help people so that they can, in turn, help out the community-at-large, whether in Travelers Rest, Greenville, or anywhere else in the world. We believe that we help best when we are helped, but also that helping others around us is a fundamental part of getting healthy.

Alfred Adler, a 20th century psychotherapist and theorist from Vienna,  promoted the idea that Gemeinschaftsgefuhl, most often translated as "social interest" or "community feeling" is the defining feature of mental health. What this means is that human beings are most healthy when they live in, and out of, the awareness that their individual well-being and the well-being of their community are inextricably connected. In other words, we only flourish when our community flourishes as well.

This insight is, in so many ways, the reason that we exist. As members of the Travelers Rest community, we recognize a significant need for high-quality, accessible counseling services in our area. Research suggests that nationwide, demand for mental health treatment is growing, while shortages of available providers of treatment continue to be an issue. While, of course, we can't (and won't!) remedy this problem, we can contribute to a solution in our hometown. We want to see Travelers Rest flourish, and we know from our experiences- both personal and professional- that we can play an important part in making this happen.

As we approach our July 3rd launch date, we are excited to develop relationships with individuals, groups, businesses, churches, and anyone else in the Travelers Rest community. Together, we can keep making Travelers Rest a beautiful, life-affirming place to live and visit. We're eagerly anticipating opportunities to play our part.